Co-Facilitating Generation Zero’s “Paint and kōrero” workshops

In honor of Generation Zero Wellington’s art exhibit “What if we just made art, not the climate crisis?” opening on April 12th at Te Auaha Gallery, I wanted to share some photos from the workshops that I guest facilitated in January. We had two climate change community “paint and kōrero” sessions focused on visually representing our hopes for Wellington in the future.

Using three giant canvases, participants painted their hopes for a greener, healthier city (and one with unicorns and rainbows of course).

We had two events:
2 - 3pm for a family-friendly hour
6 - 7pm for Paint & Wine

These workshops were intended to bring community together and to inspire people to submit art for Generation Zero’s art competition and gallery.

Thanks again Generation Zero for having me!


Facilitating “Art For the Ocean” Workshop Aboard Peace Boat


ARTIST SERIES: Chao-Mei Wang’s Story of Adaptation and Art in Chenglong, Taiwan